Electrical Drive Based Floor Cleaning Robot

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.06.015

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Rohan Gupta, Mohan Dhadaga, Deepak Sajnekar, Suraj Gupta, "Electrical Drive Based Floor Cleaning Robot", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article 15, pp. 1-5, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Industrial, commercial, and residential robotics systems are common nowadays. However, an electric drive-based floor cleaning robot that provides cleaning as well as mopping works, while being automatic as well as remote controlled, also it is moderately expensive. This paper presents the Structure and implementation of an electric drive-based floor-cleaning robot with an Android-based or Bluetooth-based controller. This system is based on an Arduino Uno microcontroller and dc electrical motor and also depend on various sensor. Also, this system is based on an android based application that is secure and easy to use for the user. We can use an application-based system that is secure for the login that is connected to the Bluetooth system. It can be used to control the system motion to guide it in a specific direction to clean the floor and also mop this floor. The user has complete control over the system either in the autonomous or remote-controlled mode. This system consists of six main blocks namely the power block (Dc battery), the motor system (driving wheels, rotating brush, vacuum fan, water pump), for communication block (Bluetooth control, HC 06 Bluetooth module), and for control software block (Android remote controlled), Water tank place where we store the water for this system. During the implementation and testing of this system, it was observed that the robot works as on program, and is operational with most of the functionalities of a domestic commercial state-of-art electrical drive-based floor cleaning robot.


Arduino, Bluetooth, Drive, Ultrasonic Sensor, BLDC Motor Fan.


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