Design of Two-Wheeler Parking System

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.06.029

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Ms. Ramya Raju, Ms. Shubham Sanjay Kadam, Ms. Ravindra Ramchandra kemble, Aditya Bhimsen kamble, "Design of Two-Wheeler Parking System", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article 29, pp. 1-6, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


The population of the world is continuously on the increase and towns and cities have grown up around their public transport system. In order to reduce the stress of parking. owners, adequate parking facilities must be provided to meet up for the demand of parking This research present the design of a multi-level car park for the mitigation of traffic challenges in public areas using various case studies. Our building design consists of G+3 floor. All floors are designed to accommodate 45 cars. The plan for this building was prepared using AutoCAD software. The analysis of the frame was carried out for vertical and horizontal loads using STAAD Pro software. The design has been done according to the Limit state method and confirming to Indian standard code IS 456-2000 for various structural and non-structural components. Further reinforcement detailing for various structural elements being made as per SP-16. The structural elements like shab, beam, columns, footing and staircase has been designed and detailing was incorporated by designing these structural elements it helps us to gain more amount knowledge and gives an experience for our future.


– two- wheeler parking system near Virar railway station


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