Online Medicine Donation System

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.86

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Anushka Save, Mansi Patil, Pradnya Kamble, Prof. Archana Ingle, "Online Medicine Donation System", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 86, pp. 1-7, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


The goal of this medicine donator paper is to create a portal for the gathering of unneeded medicine that may then be given to someone in need. The web-app should allow users to donate any unused medicine to a non-profit. That NGO is capable of assisting those in need. Many poor people who cannot afford to buy their own. Organization can seek therapy and drugs using this web-app to cure their diseases, and any unused medicine will be used. This effort will collect unused medicines from persons who have recovered entirely from their disease and no longer require them, as well as from organizations and individuals who wish to give pharmaceuticals. Following the collecting of these drugs, they will be transferred to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who will inspect them and, if authorized, would distribute them to the people directly for free. A log in is required for the User, NGO, and Admin.


NGO, Donor, User, CSS, PHP


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