Case study of solar generation using Helioscope
EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.001
Ms. Chitralekha Vangala, "Case study of solar generation using Helioscope", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 3, pp. 1-6, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
HelioScopeisthesolarindustry'sleadingsoftwareplatformfordesigningandanalysisperformance of a solar plant for a medium to large solar PV plants. In this paper, the authors have designed a grid tied solar PV based power plant using the actual location of the plant. The main feature of the HelioScope software is the efficient layout of the arrays and blocks of the panels once the location of the area is set in the software.Also, wehavetriedtofocusmainly onthevariationofsolarPVoutputalongwiththevariationofthetiltangleofpanels. Normally, in some particular aresa, tilt angle is adjustedwith respect to the latitude angle of the concentrated area. But by increasing the tilt angle, a substantial area can be saved which should be utilized to set up more and more number of solar panels as and when compared to the area required with a normal tilt angle which progressively enhances the generation capability of the plant and reduce itscost.
battery, helioscope, inverter, location, solar generation.
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