Cloud computing and application of software services

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.027

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Ms. Poonam Bhagat, Ms. Rutuja Jadhav, Ms. Mayur Bote, Prof. Akshata Raut, "Cloud computing and application of software services", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 27, pp. 1-5, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Application software services are the foundation of science Cloud computing, but it always has to do with limited software Licenses and hardware resources. Therefore, software and hardware simultaneous allocation algorithms and strategies. In the field of science cloud computing. In this paper A new architecture for the Science Cloud Computing Campus Suggests that policy-based software and hardware can be supported Management and assignment. Then the model is created Resources, users, jobs, and applications. Besides, the software and the hardware simultaneous allocation algorithm SHA has been proposed. The SHA algorithm was used in NPU campus cloud computing Surroundings. It has various roles and ensures fairness among users. Same role Science Cloud computing is a new pattern of science Calculate. Application software services are the key to science Cloud computing environment. It always refers to something limited Software licenses and hardware resources. Novel in this post proposed camp us cloud computing architecture. Based on simultaneous allocation of this architecture, software and hardware. The SHA algorithm is recommended. SHA algorithm was developed used in campus cloud computing environments. Recognize differences in QoS between different users. Ensuring roles and fairness among the same user’s role.


cloud computing, dynamic priority, scheduling algorithm, software service, Wrapping Tools


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