Modelling, Simulation & Control Design of Omnibot Using Reaction Wheel Principle
EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.001
Pratik Raut1, Vinit Raut, Priyank Vartak , Swapnil Raut, "Modelling, Simulation & Control Design of Omnibot Using Reaction Wheel Principle", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 2, pp. 1-6, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
Stabilization of Omnibot using drive & reaction wheel is an important research in present era. For this reason researcher chose to build a balancing bot with unstable dynamics. A drive & reaction wheel balancing bot has been constructed at a reasonable cost, which facilitates modeling, simulation & control of bot. This research is about designing and balancing a single-wheel mobile robot that able to stabilize itself by using reaction wheel principal. The control strategies of a human riding a unicycle & inverted pendulum are studied first, and then dynamic model in 2D & 3D using Langrangian approach which closely emulates the system is derived. A single wheel bot with mass & inertia properties similar to inverted pendulum & used as experimental guide line for designing control system. The research addresses aspects in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence & modern digital control system, but rather than specializing in any of these fields, it strives to combine these disciplines in unique application where interaction of these fields can be studied. This research approach was to not only design but also evaluate control system performance in sooth terrain without incurring large expenses. The robot has all its electrical and computational power on board, with ability to receive commands from a mobile to change its direction and speed. A linearized model was derived using Simulink & optimal control system using PID controller to stabilize the bot was designed and simulated.
Reactobot, Omnibot, Single Wheel Robot, One Wheel Robot, Self-Balancing bot.
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