EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.007
Prof. Mukesh Mishra, Prof. Anojkumar Yadav, Prof. Bhavita Patil, "WIRELESS POWER THEFT MONITORING SYSTEM", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 7, pp. 1-3, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
Power larceny is the sizably voluminous quandary now days which causes immensely colossal loss to electricity boards. And to surmount these losses prices are incremented. So if we can obviate this larceny we can preserve lots of potency. The mundane practice for power larceny is to short input output terminals or to place magnet on the wheel in case of old meters. In this system a micro controller is interfaced with an energy metering circuit current sensing circuit, RF communication & a contactor to make or break power line. If current is drawing & energy pulses are mundane then no puissance is larceny. If current is drawing & energy pulses are not coming then it designates power larceny. So microcontroller trip the o/p utilizing relay. This information is sent to substation utilizing wireless communication. Line faults may be caused due to over current or earth fault. If there transpires to be a connection between two phase lines then over current fault occurs. Earth fault occurs due to the earthing of phase line through cross arm or any other way.
power theft, monitoring, earthing, fault.
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