EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.047

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Mr. Mane Aditya, Mr. Mane Ashok, Mr. Makwana Karnav, Chavan Shubham, "DESIGN OF INCINERATOR PLANT FOR VASAI-VIRAR REGION", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 47, pp. 1-4, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Nowadays one of the major difficulty which remains common in modern society is Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), after every significant efforts to prevent, reduce, reuse and recycle the waste. In most of the developed countries at present, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) The waste material collection is increasing every day in almost all cities in India and creating hazardous situation in form of pollution. The Vasai-Virar is small city & tehsil (sub-district) in konkan division of Maharashtra state in western India. As per the census of 2011 the population of Vasai-Virar is 12,22,390. The amount of solid waste treated is nil and MSW processing facility available here is only dumping. Due to this the average life span of living beings has degenerated to a great extent. Our main aim is to utilize these waste materials in an effective way to help humanity by the process of incineration. Incineration is the best process of combustion of organic materials present in the waste and giving useful by- products. The effective use of these by-products can be growth in production of crops generation.


Waste To Energy Technology, Municipal Solid waste, Municipal Solid Waste Incineration, Hazardous Solid Waste.


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