Recommender Systems

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.243

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Mr. Yashit Yadnesh Save ,Prof. Nitesh Kumar, "Recommender Systems", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 243, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Recommender System (RS) has emerged as a significant research interest that aims to assist users to seek out items online by providing suggestions that closely match their interests. Recommender system, an information filtering technology employed in many items is presented in internet sites as per the interest of users, and is implemented in applications like movies, music, venue, books, research articles, tourism and social media normally. Recommender systems research is usually supported comparisons of predictive accuracy: the higher the evaluation scores, the higher the recommender. One amongst the leading approaches was the utilization of advice systems to proactively recommend scholarly papers to individual researchers. In today's world, time has more value and therefore the researchers haven't any much time to spend on trying to find the proper articles in line with their research domain. Recommender Systems are designed to suggest users the things that best fit the user needs and preferences. Recommender systems typically produce an inventory of recommendations in one among two ways -through collaborative or content-based filtering. Additionally, both the general public and also the non-public used descriptive metadata are used. The scope of the advice is therefore limited to variety of documents which are either publicly available or which are granted copyright permits. Recommendation systems (RS) support users and developers of varied computer and software systems to beat information overload, perform information discovery tasks and approximate computation, among others.


advice system,filtering, metadata, recommender system, software


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