EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.230

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Tanvi Aswani, Aman Maurya, Govind Naik, Prof. Meena Perla, "AUTOMATED E-WASTE DISPOSAL USING MACHINE LEARNING", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 230, pp. 1-7, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


E-waste is a huge problem in India. In my surroundings we have always noticed that people dispose their non-working or damaged tube lights, batteries, lamps, filament bulbs, electronic toys, routers, earphones etc. in general waste which is an incorrect method of disposal because it contains extremely hazardous and toxic metals and we also need to minimize the number of people getting exposed to damaged electronic equipment’s so to overcome this problem we wanted to ensure that the e-waste generated in household of India gets into the proper hands which can dispose, recycle and reuse effectively for this it became mandatory to make an e-waste vending machine where people will gather all the unused, damage equipment and dispose it into our machine for which they will be rewarded but because of rewards people should not dump any unwanted things like plastic, papers, stones so for that we have used the camera module which will take the image of an object which further will be predicted by ML model that the waste is electronic equipment and worth storing or no. We wanted to ensure that the system built by us will effectively collect the E-waste generated and we can reuse most of them for further process and it will also reduce the pressure on non-renewable resources which are used in production of various products as recycling can significantly decrease the demand for mining heavy metals and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing virgin materials.


Disposal, E-waste, hazardous, mining, ML Model


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