Waste management of hospital waste in COVID-19

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.225

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Mr. Hemant Yadav, Mr. Amit Yadav, Mr. Pankaj Yadav, Mr.Satyendra Yadav, "Waste management of hospital waste in COVID-19", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 225, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


under the topic ‘Waste Management in COVID-19’ we have studied the problems occurring during waste management & their disposal specially biomedical wastes during critical situations and tried to find out some better solutions for them than available ones . For project we have used the resources like internet, topic related articles , research papers etc. We have also visited an hospital for data collection regarding hospital’s daily waste management and processes like collection of waste , separation , treatment etc. to make the project very precise, practical & effective also. So using resources and by analysing the data we have found some solutions for safe treatment of biomedical waste which was our main focus .


Analysis , Biomedical Waste , Hospital , Management , Site visit , Techniques


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