Partial Replacement of Steel Reinforcement by Bamboo (G+2)

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.196

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Mr. Nikhil Waghmare, Mr. Bhavesh Tandel, Mr. Vishwajit Pawar , Mr. Dipesh Waghdada , "Partial Replacement of Steel Reinforcement by Bamboo (G+2)", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 196, pp. 1-7, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


A Partial Replacement of Reinforcement by Bamboo project is to design and built the structure that uses bamboo as structural alternative to steel in order to replicate the shear strength and load bearing capabilities that traditional rebar provide for concrete structure while minimizing cost. The demand of steel reinforcement is high as compare to its production. Furthermore, unlike steel rebar bamboo is an abundant natural resources and it is fastest growing plant in the world. The aspect makes it cheap and easy to access on site. It is economical process. Estimated cost of bamboo reinforced concrete structure is less as compare to steel reinforcement. The present project compare to the cost of concrete structure using bamboo as a reinforcing material with the conventional method and evaluate the feasibility of using bamboo as a potential reinforcement in place of steel the project attempt to develop modular design of concrete structure for different income groups of people.


physical and engineering properties, economical, cost effective, flexural strength, bamboo.


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