EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.172

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Mr. Prasad Bhuwad, Mr. Onkar kolatkar, Mr. Harshit Bhoir, Mr. Kishor Bandarkar , "WASTEWATER TREATMENT BY VERMI-FILTRATION TECHNOLOGY", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 172, pp. 1-4, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Vermifiltration units are sludge-free, noise-free and low- or no-electricity-requiring systems of operation. The aim of this study was to emphasize wastewater treatment by vermifiltration technology using waste-eater earthworms to highlight the benefits of clean and nutritive vermifiltered water (vermiaqua) uses in agriculture to the farmers. They work on natural capacity of earthworms to treat wastewater from different sources. In view of rising concern about pollution of water bodies due to discharge of waste in them, it is necessary to initiate alternative thinking as conventional methods through STPs (Sewage treatment Plants) have had limited success. In recent years the application of specifically designed filtration based technology (popularly known as Vermifiltration technology) for treatment of wastewater municipal, urban and agricultural, is becoming widely acceptable. It treats the wastewater in natural manner without the use of chemicals. In short, Vermifiltration technology is an improved filtration system for treatment of wastewater. The main objective of present research work is to provide and popularize a simple, feasible, practically sound, eco-friendly and cost effective technology for wastewater treatment. Vermifiltration technology is such a type of system, which reduces the impact of sewage and converts into useful water for gardening and irrigation purpose.


Vermifiltration, wastewater treatment, locally available Vermifiltration earthworm species and Vermifiltration technology .


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