Biomass Co-firing: A transition to a low carbon future
EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.148
Ms. Arathy Menon, Ms. Purva Awari, "Biomass Co-firing: A transition to a low carbon future ", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 148, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
Biomass Co-firing is defined as simultaneous combustion of different fuels in the same boiler, provides one alternative to achieve emission reductions. This is not only accomplished by replacing fossil fuel with biomass, but also as a result of interaction of fuel reactants of different origin, e.g. biomass and coal. Co-firing of biomass with fossil fuels provides means to reduceSO2, and CO2 emissions and it also may reduce NOx emissions. It is assumed that there is no net emission of CO2 from biomass combustion as plants use the same amount of CO2 during growth that is released in combustion On the other hand utilisation of solid biofuels and wastes sets new demand for boiler process control and boiler design, as well as for combustion technologies, fuel blend control and fuel handling system. Cofiring with biomass offers a cheap and practical means of reducing carbon emissions using existing infrastructure. The capital costs for cofiring are generally low and usually limited to retrofitting boilers with modified delivery systems. Compared to other forms of renewable energy, the up-front investments needed for co-firing in existing boilers are fairly small. These retrofits are often substantially less expensive than the costly overhaul that would otherwise be needed to meet increased emissions standards.
Biomass, Fuels, combustion, Boiler, co-firing
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