Vehicle to Grid Technology

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.127

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Priya Gupta, Devangee Bhurawalla, Pooja Shah, Bhushan Save, "Vehicle to Grid Technology", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 127, pp. 1-7, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Adverse effects of fossil fuel burning and internal combustion engine vehicles have alarmed nations worldwide. Governments are taking steps to promote the use of Electric Vehicles due to less carbon emissions and to pacify the environmental issues. The added load of Electric Vehicles poses a threat to the existing grid which leads to instability of the grid. The problem of demand supply mismatching can be solved by integrating the renewable energy sources with Electric vehicle charging station resulting in bi-directional flow of power. Vehicle to Grid technology helps the utility with active and reactive power support by feeding power from battery pack to grid and vice versa. Vehicle to Grid describes a system in which electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid, fuel cells electric vehicles are connected to the power grid to provide high power, spinning reserves, regulation services etc. The perspective of this study is to evolve a smart charging schedule based on the load on grid, time of use of the EV and other factors in order to minimize cost of charging for electric utilities and EVs as well as promote profits to EV owners.


Bi-directional Power Flow, Demand Supply Mismatch, Electric Vehicle (EV), Smart Charging Schedule, Vehicle to Grid (V2G).


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