EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.119
Aniket Gavli, Mitali Borole, Samruddhi Kanade, Chitralekha Vangala, "SOLAR AND WIND GENERATOR FOR STREET LIGHT APPLICATION WITH SOLAR TRACKING", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 119, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
The main objective of this project is “Solar and Wind Generator for Street Light Application with Solar Tracking”. The Solar Tracking – Vertical Axis Wind Turbine System is not only cheap and efficient, but also eco-friendly. This turbine generate electricity using both solar and wind energy. So, for uninterrupted electricity generation, we have two powerful and inexhaustible sources. The system has two basic Components-one for electricity generation through solar energy and another for wind generation. Our project focuses on the use of air on highway divider with the help vertical axis wind turbine. When the vehicles passed on the highway, it produces a considerable amount of air due to its speed. The blade of the vertical axis wind turbine strikes tangentially and makes the turbine spin in just one direction. The solar system is used to enhance the overall efficiency of solar panel by keeping them aligned along with the sun position, solar tracking system is used nowadays. The electrical output of the vertical axis turbine and the solar system is stored in battery. This accumulated energy that can be used further for street use, lighting, toll gates etc.
Hybrid energy system, Highway medium, Solar tracking, vertical axis wind turbine, Wind energy.
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