Smart Portal: A Platform for Student's Profile Creation, Evaluation and Clustering
EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.108
Ms. Rutika Naik, Mr. Shubham Warang, Ms. Sneha Pawar, Prof. Dnyaneshwar Bhabad, "Smart Portal: A Platform for Student's Profile Creation, Evaluation and Clustering", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 108, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
In today's era where almost everything is digitized, even then at the end of the day we have to come across the paperwork when it comes to document submission and verification for any process. As a result, with increased advancement in the technology, easy availability and access of data and documents is the main concern. This project is intended to develop an application based system where student data and documents will be stored on a server and create a smart profile on the basis of student data. Student can also use that data and document anywhere anytime. The main aim is to provide a common application for all parts of education. Where each necessary details and document of a student will be available on one single portal also can be accessible by other higher authorities. Additionally, evaluating the profile and clustering of students can be done for better recommendation. The Smart Portal system will be useful in document extraction during the admission process as well as it will be used for requirement of details and document of a candidate during interview. Students can upload their data and documents on the server after registration. Then their data will be analysed by the system by evaluating and clustering. This data is retrieved using QR code scanning system or Email verification/ OTP.
Clustering, Evaluation, Extraction, Smart portal, Verification.
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