AUGMENTECHTURE - 3D Projection of Building Construction Floor Plan using Marker Based Augmented Reality Technology

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.102

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Pratham Pednekar, Asmita Pawar, Vishal kanrar, Kushal Suvarna, "AUGMENTECHTURE - 3D Projection of Building Construction Floor Plan using Marker Based Augmented Reality Technology", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 102, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Nowadays, due to rising growth in all sectors, be it in healthcare, infrastructure, finance, education, and logistics, etc. Even though in the era of smart technology constructors, builders are using the old-style method, i.e., usage of brochures by generating 2D sketches of project layout. Builders use these files to sell their construction sites like flats, buildings, or any property to clients by just showing them various floor Plans in multiple views, etc. This procedure aims to be unproductive and ineffective because it does not give a clear idea regarding how exactly the property will look like. Augmented Reality, as shifting to a new developing technology, it gives an entirely new outlook for development. The AR implementation offers many advantages for construction planning, which will help our customers to draw a clear view regarding the assets before making deals without actually visiting the sample flats. To develop an AR-based brochure as a development tool that will serve as an application to intelligently increase the clients by minimizing their efforts and easing their decisionmaking process and maximizing the complete efficiency.


Augmented Reality, Vuforia SDK, Unity, Brochures, Infrastructure Development


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