EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.01.06
Vinit N. Tendulkar, Rahul M. Sonavane, Prashish R. Kamble, Sunita Naik, "SURVEY ON CARD LESS TRANSACTION USING EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES", VIVA-Tech IJRI Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 6, pp. 1-6, Oct 2018. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
The latest generation of emoticons which are called as emojis that is largely being used in mobile communications as well as in social media. In past few years, more than ten billion emojis were used on Twitter. Emojis which are known as the Unicode graphic symbols, which are basically used as shorthand to express the concepts and ideas of the people. For smaller number of well-known emoticons, their meanings or sentiments are well known but there are thousands of emojis so extracting their sentiments is difficult. The Emoji Sentiment Ranking method which is used to evaluate a sentiment mapping of emojis by using sentiment polarity such as negative, neutral, or positive. The sentimental classification of tweets with and without emoticons are very much different.Finally, the method also gives representation of sentiments and a better visualization in the form of a sentimental Bar.
Classification of Emoticons, Emoji Sentiment Ranking, Sentiment Bar, Sentiment labels, Sentiment score.
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