A Review on Blockchain based Legal Vault

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.06.024

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Dhruv Dutkar, Neha Kadam, Ansh Poojari, Prof.Bhavika Thakur, "A Review on Blockchain based Legal Vault", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article 24, pp. 1-9, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


In today's digital age, the legal industry is experiencing a transformative shift towards efficient, secure, and transparent record-keeping solutions. This project introduces a pioneering Blockchain-Based eVault designed to revolutionize the management and preservation of legal records. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, this system provides an immutable, tamper-proof, and easily accessible repository for legal documents, ensuring the integrity, authenticity, and privacy of sensitive information. By harnessing the capabilities of blockchain technology, the Blockchain-Based eVault for Legal Records addresses the pressing need for secure, transparent, and efficient legal record management. It offers a solution that can significantly reduce the risk of document fraud, errors, and data breaches while simplifying complex legal processes. This project represents a promising step towards the modernization of the legal industry and sets a precedent for the adoption of blockchain-based solutions in other sectors reliant on secure data management and transparency.


authenticity, eVault, immutable, integrity, legal records, transparent.


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