MediCareBot:Better Healthcare Services
EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.06.004
Ms. Nutan Malekar , Nitesh Chandurkar, Krutika Penkar, Sachin Tiwari, "MediCareBot:Better Healthcare Services", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article EXTC_04, pp. 1-9, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that there is a lack of healthcare facilities to scope with a pandemic. This has also underscored the immediate need to develop hospitals capable of dealing with infectious patients and to rapidly change supply lines to manufacture the prescription goods (including medicines) that are needed to prevent infection. There is a danger of Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), Tuberculosis (TB), and many more which are the leading causes of mortality and pessimism. In this scenario, there is a need to reduce person-to-person contact in hospitals. The role of delivery robots is evolving to prevent infection from doctors and medical staff by various viruses (coronavirus, monkeypox, Nipah virus). In this paper, we proposed a robot named MediCareBot with some functionality of providing medicine as well as measuring vital parameters (Heart rate, Temperature, Pulse rate) of the patient. In the project, a line-following robot is a device programmed to follow a specific path. Line tracking robots that monitor patient parameters at given times or transport medication and equipment to patients whenever needed based on predefined routes. finding the path to the patient's position using Line follower and RFID.A proximity sensor also has been attached to the robot, allowing the robot to detect obstacles in its path and trigger an alert. This technology focused on the delivery of safe, timely, efficient, effective, patient-centered, and equitable health care. Measured parameters are stored in the cloud using the Internet and Send this data to the respective doctor when he/she is busy or not at the hospital and also for the hospital record system.
IR Sensor, Line Following Robots, Medicine Delivery, Patient Monitoring System, RFID.
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