GSM Based Controlling and Monitoring System of UPS Battery
EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.06.014
Pranay Jangam, Mitali Pashte, Asmita Pashte, Sangita Kamble, "GSM Based Controlling and Monitoring System of UPS Battery ", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article 1, pp. 1-5, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
In remote area we know that Power crisis and load shedding is the major problem. Because of this Power crisis we did not reach to our maximum potential we lost the process efficiency and productivity of our organization is also drop. To overcome from this type of problems we have many equipment to get backup to save our industrial projects and domestic work. We called This type of device UPS (Uninterruptable power supply) We have to monitor the UPS continuously and this is very difficult and when manual error occurs this leads to UPS fail. These leads to losses of productivity. human error like if engineer is not available to get the readings of UPS this fail can occurs. Today in every scale of industrial sections as well as business area it has use of the UPS system has increased in day by day life the main purpose of this system it is to control as well as Monitor the UPS system batteries with remotely using the various sensors like ZMPT101B AC voltage sensors and VCC25 DC voltage sensors microcontroller GSM module and current sensor so UPS modelling and control system it is a very important for day to day life it is used like in IT sectors and also medical sector. Our project is the idea which is very useful for electronic equipment system which runs on battery based power supply by adapting this system the users can monitor and also control the UPS system in this microcontroller will continuously monitoring the voltage and in case voltage is dropped below the set value then this system is alerts the provider provided to the user through GSM in form of SMS this is the it is helps to increase the efficiency of UPS with provide the remote monitoring feature. The system is particularly describes the ups battery monitoring system will be performed by cloud computing.
SMS, GSM, UPS Battery monitoring data, continuously monitoring the voltage, cloud computing, increasing efficiency.
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