Wireless Charging Roads
EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.06.019
Jain Aayushi , Dhumal Shreyas , Mhatre Raj , Badade Amit, "Wireless Charging Roads", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article 19, pp. 1-5, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.
Most For the swift adoption of electrified transportation and the successful commercialization of the technology, the most efficient, reasonably priced, and reliable charging infrastructure is required. This article provides a full, current overview of all wireless charging systems for electric cars (EVs), including their features, standards, and implications on the environment and potential safety measures. After comparing conductive charging and wireless charging, a full description of static wireless charging, dynamic wireless charging (DWC), and quasi-DWC is given. Obstacles such frequency, power level limitations, misalignment, and coil design of power pads are described, along with possible remedies. The heart of these criteria is then discussed once the standards are tabulated to give a clear picture of the existing situation. advancement of wireless standards and the requires it. Modern automation systems, especially those that operate in challenging conditions, can benefit greatly from inductive power transfer (IPT), a power distribution technology. Here, the same technology may be used in both severely filthy conditions and clean room manufacturing. This study discusses the creation of straightforward factory automation (FA) IPT systems for both the current sophisticated applications and the far more challenging IPT roadway application. The foundation of all IPT technology is two highly linked coils that operate at resonance to successfully transmit power. The capacity for power transfer, coupling factor, efficiency, and air-gap have all greatly improved over time. New magnetic principles are introduced to allow misalignment, enabling IPT systems to shift from above monorails to the ground. .
Coils, Electric vehicles, Mutual inductance, Mathematical model, Wireless charging systems
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