EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.06.013

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Samarth Bhimani , Jaydip Mandviya , Parag Jadhav , Sachin Gharat , "TOP-DOWN CONSTRUCTION . ", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article 13, pp. 1-6, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Conventionally, buildings with underground basements are constructed using the bottom-up method, where the sub-structure and super-structure floors are sequentially built from the lowest level of the basement to the top. This method is simple in design and construction, but is not suitable for large projects with limited construction time and/or space constraints. The top-down construction method is opposite of the bottom-up method, building the permanent structure members of the basement along with the excavation from the top to the bottom. It is mainly used for tall buildings with deep basements, as well as underground structures such as parking garages, underpasses, and subway stations. This method can provide significant savings in overall construction time and has been adopted for major projects where time is critical. The construction sequence typically begins with the installation of the retaining wall, followed by the load-bearing elements which will carry the future super-structure. Basement columns, usually consisting of steel beams, are constructed before any excavation takes place and rest on the load bearing elements. These elements are usually concrete barrettes built under slurry (or caissons), which are constructed as the excavation progresses. Top-down construction is also employed.


Basement, Excavation, Floors, Method, Installation.


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