EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.087

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Ms. Meena Bhagat, Ms. Ramya Raju, Ms. Jimit Chotai, , "FLY ASH CONCRETE: A TECHNICAL ANALYSIS FOR COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 87, pp. 1-6, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Fly ash, a waste generated by thermal power plants is as such a big environmental concern. The investigation reported in this paper is carried out to study the utilization of fly ash in cement concrete as a partial replacement of cement as well as an additive so as to provide an environmentally consistent way of its disposal and reuse. This work is a case study for Deep Nagar thermal power plant of Jalgaon District in MS. The cement in concrete matrix is replaced from 5% to 25% by step in steps of 5%. It is observed that replacement of cement in any proportion lowers the compressive strength of concrete as well as delays its hardening. This provides an environmentally friendly method of Deep Nagar fly ash disposal.


Fly ash, cement, compressive strength


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